
Social Responsibility
Green and Low-carbon Development
In response to the new national development concept of innovation, coordination, greenness, openness and sharing and following the development direction of energy efficiency, cleanness, safety and and low carbon, the Company is presently vigorously promoting the high-end new energy industry, focusing on solar air conditioners and photovoltaic inverters.
Innovation, coordination, greenness, openness and sharing
 low carbon
low carbon
Improving environment management system
Environment Protection
The promotion of environment protection and harmonious development of people and nature is an important part of the Deye's plan for sustainable development. Over the years we have been seeking balance between the environment protection and sustainable enterprise development:
Improving environment management system
We have been actively promoting an innovative and cutting-edge environmental system across our production departments to promote sustainable development.
Environment protection in production activities
We have been reducing environmental load and energy consumption in our production activities through waste recycling and other activities with the view of promoting the development of a circular economy.
Occupational Health
The Company seeks to create and maintain a healthy and safe work environment. The management and employees are all committed:
fully participate in the prevention of occupational hazards and the maintenance of a safe and health
fully participate in the prevention of occupational hazards and the maintenance of a safe and health
Public Welfare Activities
扎囊县| 乌拉特前旗| 凤山市| 屏山县| 石楼县| 温泉县| 宜兰县| 车致| 兰坪| 拉萨市| 万州区| 英德市| 太谷县| 辉南县| 旬邑县| 登封市| 太保市| 龙门县| 高州市| 琼结县| 永清县| 云浮市| 日土县| 奉化市| 临高县| 琼结县| 四川省| 柳江县| 灌南县| 杂多县| 和田市| 沙雅县| 桐庐县| 肥西县| 专栏| 桐梓县| 长春市| 延安市| 宁夏| 鄂州市| 武川县|